Once in a Summer (2006) [Korean Movie]

Download Once in a Summer (2006) Korean Movie WEB-DL Full Movie MP4, 720p, 480p, 1080p HD Free Download With English Subtitle x265 x264 , torrent , HD bluray popcorn, magnet


An assistant to a TV producer, eager to stay off his bad side, promises to convince her former professor, a famous but reclusive academic, to appear on their show, which helps locate long-lost persons. Who does grey-haired Professor Yun Suk Young want to see again more than anything? The answer to that question lies decades in the past.

Native Title: 그 해 여름

Also Known As: Geu Hae Yeoreum , 그해여름

Screenwriter: Kim Eun Hee, Lee Sook Yun, Kim Jin, Min So Yeon

Genres: Romance, Melodrama

Source: https://mydramalist.com/867-once-in-a-summer

Movie: Once in a Summer

Country: South Korea

Release Date: Nov 30, 2006

Duration: 2 hr. 1 min.

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